
Our support page is here to help you get the most out of our search engine. We have information on a variety of topics including:

We take your privacy seriously and have implemented various measures to keep your information safe. We have a detailed policy that you can read to learn more about how your data is protected.

How to perform a basic search on Flaru
You can search the entire internet. This feature is useful if you're looking for information which might be found anywhere, or if you're trying to find a website that matches a topic.

How to search within a specific domain on Flaru
Our search engine allows you to search within a website. This is helpful if you're looking for something on that site and you want to narrow down your results to only that domain.

Search Operators
Flaru supports advanced operators which allow you to refine your search results. Use these to include or exclude specific words, find types of content, and much more.